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A205 CWS Sensor to PC Interface
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The A205 CWS-to-PC Interface supports communication between wireless sensors and a computer. The A205 is necessary for configuring wireless sensors prior to deployment and is also useful for testing and troubleshooting them.

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Technical Description

The A205 has a four-pin connector that attaches to the four-pin male connector located behind the battery pack of a CWS sensor. It connects with the computer via a USB port. When connected to a computer's USB port, the A205 supplies power to the wireless sensor.





The A205 is compatible with all of our CWS220-series Infrared Radiometers, CWS655-series Water Content Reflectometers, and CWS900-series Configurable Wireless Sensor Interfaces.


  • Type B USB female
  • Four-pin female
Dimensions 13.97 x 10.16 x 3.81 cm (5.5 x 4.0 x 1.5 in.)
Weight 68.04 g (0.15 lb)


A205 CWS Interface USB Driver v.2.08.28 (1.64 MB) 05-03-2013

A205 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Note: Drivers should be loaded before plugging the A205 into the computer.

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FAQs for

Number of FAQs related to A205: 6

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  1. No. The A205 is an interface for communicating directly between a computer and a wireless sensor.  It has no impact on the radio communication between the wireless sensor and the wireless sensor base, so line of sight doesn’t matter.

  2. No. The A205 is for communication with a single sensor only and cannot access any information related to the wireless sensor network. Use the CRBasic CWB100Diagnostics instruction in the data logger program to collect information on the wireless sensor network performance.

  3. No. Use the CRBasic CWB100Routes() instruction in the data logger program to collect information as to which sensors are repeaters.

  4. No. Use the CRBasic CWB100RSSI() instruction in the data logger program to measure and record wireless sensor signal strength.

  5. An A205 is required to write the radio address of the wireless base station to the wireless sensor firmware so that the sensor will respond to polling from the base station. This is done using the Device Configuration Utility software. The A205 is also useful for connecting a computer directly to the CWS655, CWS220, or CWS900 for diagnosis, changing the base station radio address, uploading new firmware, and verifying sensor functionality. It is only necessary to purchase one A205—unless multiple users with multiple computers need to perform these tasks.

  6. To incorporate a sensor that is compatible with wireless sensor interfaces into a wireless network, a CWS900-series wireless sensor interface is needed, as well as an A205 CWS-to-PC interface to configure it. 

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