What You Should Know About Our New Training Option

by Jacob Davis | Updated: 09/10/2024 | Comments: 2

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The Campbell Scientific Learning Center is launching as a third training option, bringing self-paced learning to our customers. I am excited for this opportunity to expand our training availability beyond our current offerings: live, in-person training and live, online training.

I hope you can take advantage of this new format, as our experienced trainers at Campbell Scientific have spent two years preparing the course content. The courses are delivered using an online learning management system. Course navigation is quick to learn. The courses are divided into topics with lessons and quizzes. Lessons contain readings, recorded tutorials, and activities to cement the learning.

Campbell Scientific Learning Center

There are three courses available now at launch:

  • CORE101: Field Technician Training
  • CORE201: LoggerNet Software
  • CORE202: CRBasic Programming

Our traditional live classes cover the combined topics of the new CORE101, CORE201, and CORE202 Learning Center courses. The three courses can be registered for as a bundle. If your job role only requires the skills from CORE101, just register for CORE101, as our goal is to provide training that meets the exact needs of each individual.

A key advantage of the Learning Center is the self-paced format. We understand that Campbell Scientific clients are working professionals. It can be difficult to stop other work for a week to focus on training. Customers also reside in every time zone. The self-paced classes fit into your individual schedule.

Even though the courses are self-paced, the courses feature a start and end date. Studies have shown that having a deadline is important to help students be motivated and successful. A focused student could complete the course in less than half the time allowed. If you are busy, the time allowed is sufficient to work the course into your schedule and finish on time.

Here is a comparison table to help you decide which learning format is best for you. Any Campbell Scientific training option will be a satisfying learning experience.

Learning Center Live, Virtual Live, In Person
Travel Required No No Yes
Format Prerecorded videos, reading materials, and assignments Video conference over Microsoft Teams Face-to-face
Schedule Self-paced to fit your personal work schedule Fixed Fixed
Equipment Use Remote connection, prewired Remote connection, prewired Hands-on experience
Instructor Assistance Email Real-time Real-time
Relative Cost $ $$ $$$
Comment Content is divided into smaller courses. Take only the courses you need. This is a popular option for live interaction when travel is difficult. Network with other customers and tour our facility.

After all the time spent preparing the Learning Center for your use, I am excited to make it broadly available. Check out our training schedule to read the full course descriptions. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below.

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About the Author

jacob davis Jacob Davis is the Director of Client Services and Support at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He works with the worldwide technical support teams. His specialties include serial communications and advanced data logger programming. Jacob has a master’s degree in hydrology and worked with large irrigation projects before coming to Campbell Scientific, Inc.

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Saadi Al-Musawi | 09/11/2024 at 09:44 AM

Hi Jacob

Interesting training.

Kindly is there are specific training for loggernet admin and loggernet data base?

Thank you.


TrainingGuy | 09/27/2024 at 04:23 PM

We anticipate having a LoggerNet Admin course in the future, but we do not have any details at this point. Regarding LNDB, we do not currently have a plan for training, as it would depend on the level of interest and available resources to prepare the curriculum.

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