Extreme Reilability

Welcome to Campbell Scientific's vEGU 2021 resource page.

Campbell Scientific is the trusted world leader in digital sensors, data loggers, and solutions for environmental monitoring. We believe in people's capacity to make the world better using trustworthy, measurement-based information. Our products produce defensible data that dominates globally in peer-reviewed research and is used daily for operational decision making.

We realize you may need additional information when determining how our range of research-grade systems can best help you. We invite you to download any of the digital literature below and to click the links to details on our website. You'll find information on products and solutions to provide you with superior, defensible data for gas flux and turbulence applications, as well as weather, water, and soil applications.

When measurements matter, Campbell Scientific provides environmental data to scientists, which helps them develop insights and solutions to sustain and improve life on Earth.

To register for this virtual event, visit the vEGU21 website at https://egu21.eu/register.html. Exhibit dates are April 19 through 30, 2021.

To view our virtual booth page, visit https://webforms.copernicus.org/EGU21/exhibitor-portal/137/index.php (NOTE: only available to registered users / attendees).

Scientific Presentation - vPICO sessions

Hayden Mahan is presenting a scientific presentation during session AS2.1 - Atmospheric Boundary Layer: From Basic Turbulence Studies to Integrated Applications, on Wednesday 28th April between 15:58 - 16:00.

The details:

Weather-condition-regulated, heated 3-D sonic anemometers (CSAT3AH and CSAT3BH): Working rationale, operation algorithm, and performance assessment
Hayden Mahan, Tian Gao, Xiufen Li, Troy Forbush, Kris Payne, Quan Yang, Yanlei Li, Haitao Zhou, Shangming Wu, Ning Zheng and Xinhua Zhou.

EGU21-13671 | vPICO presentations | AS2.1

Wed, 28 Apr, 15:58–16:00

Direct link to the session for the abstract: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/EGU21-13671.html

Gas Flux and Turbulence

CSAT3BH Heated 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics
Web Page | Brochure
CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics
Web Page | Brochure
CPEC306 Expandable Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System with EC155 and Pump Module
Web Page | Brochure
CPEC310 Expandable Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System with Automatic Zero and Span
Web Page | Brochure
EasyFlux® DL Eddy-Covariance Datalogger Program
Web Page | Brochure
EasyFlux® PC Eddy-Covariance Post-Processing PC Software
Web Page | Brochure
EasyFlux® Web Software
Web Page | Brochure
IRGASON Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer
Web Page | Brochure

AP200 - CO2 / H2O Atmospheric Profile System
Web Page | Brochure

Data Loggers and Communications

TX326 Satellite Transmitter for GOES CS2/v2.0
Web Page | Brochure
Cellular Communications
Web Page
CR6 Measurement and Control Datalogger
Web Page | Brochure
CR300 Datalogger
Web Page | Brochure
CR310 Datalogger with Ethernet
Web Page | Brochure
CR1000X Measurement and Control Datalogger
Web Page | Brochure

Sensors and Stations

New! RainVUE™10 SDI-12 Precipitation Sensor with Plastic Funnel (imperial)
Web Page | Brochure | Blog Article | Video
New! RainVUE™20 SDI-12 Precipitation Sensor with Aluminium Funnel (imperial)
Web Page | Brochure | Blog Article | Video
SoilVUE™10 TDR Soil Moisture and Temperature Profile Sensor
Web Page | Brochure | Blog Article | Video
ClimaVUE™50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor
Web Page | Brochure | Blog Article | Video
HygroVUE™5 Digital Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
Web Page | Brochure
HygroVUE™10 Digital Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor with M12 Connector
Web Page | Brochure
CS310 Quantum Sensor
Web Page | Brochure
CS320 Digital Thermopile Pyranometer
Web Page | Brochure
LevelVUE™B10 Water-Level Continuous Flow Sensor with Integrated Screen
Web Page | Brochure | Blog Article | Video
MetPRO™ Research-Grade Meteorological Station
Web Page | Brochure
Automated Weather Stations
Web Page

Meet our experts

Our experts will be online at the following times in our virtual booth for ad hoc or pre-planned discussions. You can contact us directly or meet us in the booth, our representatives are from around the world and cover many different disciplines, we look forward to connecting with you!

Our experts:

Hayden Mahan Ivan Bogoev Edward Swiatek

Hayden Mahan
Environmental Research Technical Product Manager

Ivan Bogoev
Senior Mechanical Design Engineer

Edward Swiatek
Senior Application Engineer
Environmental Group





Dr Jens Lamping
Geschaftsleitung Deutschland
+49(0)421 460974-1

Douglas Brown
Senior Technical Sales Engineer
+44(0)1509 601141

Venessa Ben Tahar
Applications Engineer
+33 (0)1 56 45 15 20


Booth Schedule

      Language Support
Thursday 22nd April      
9am - 2pm Douglas Brown Dr. Jens Lamping English | German
2pm - 3pm Douglas Brown Edward Swiatek English
3pm - 5pm Edward Swiatek Ivan Bogoev English
Friday 23rd April      
9am - 2pm Douglas Brown Dr. Jens Lamping English | German
2pm - 3pm Douglas Brown Edward Swiatek English
3pm - 5pm Edward Swiatek Ivan Bogoev English
Monday 26th April      
9am - 2pm Dr Jens Lamping Vanessa Ben Tahar German | French | English
2pm - 5pm Edward Swiatek Hayden Mahan English
Tuesday 27th April      
9am - 2pm Dr Jens Lamping Vanessa Ben Tahar German | French | English
2pm - 3pm Vanessa Ben Tahar Hayden Mahan French | English
3pm - 5pm Ivan Bogoev Hayden Mahan English
Wednesday 28th April      
9am - 2pm Vanessa Ben Tahar Douglas Brown English
2pm - 5pm Edward Swiatek Hayden Mahan English

Recently Recorded Webinars

Evapotranspiration: Pitfalls to Avoid and Why It’s Easier Than You Think

Learn which measurements are critical for success

Measuring evapotranspiration (ET) to understand water loss from a native or a managed ecosystem is easier than it looks, but you have to know what you’re doing. If you can’t spend the time or money on a full eddy-covariance system, you’ll have to be satisfied with making some assumptions using equations such as Penman-Monteith.

Like any model, the accuracy of the output depends on the quality of the inputs, but do you know what measurements are critical for success? Plus, as your instrumentation gets more inaccurate, the errors get larger. If you’re not careful, you can end up with no idea what’s happening to the water in your system.

In this recorded webinar, Campbell Scientific scientist, Dr. Dirk V. Baker, and METER Group scientist, Dr. Colin Campbell, team up to discuss fundamentals, assumptions, required measurements, common pitfalls, accuracy, uncertainty, and much more.

Length: 52:54
Tags: Evapotranspiration Webinar

Considerations for Your Campbell Scientific Eddy-Covariance System: A Webinar

A webinar regarding the important implications of eddy-covariance systems

In this recorded webinar, Dr. Ben Conrad of Campbell Scientific explores the important implications of eddy-covariance systems.

Length: 30:07
Tags: Flux

Introducing the ClimaVUE™50: A Webinar

A webinar regarding the all-in-one meteorological sensor followed by a question and answer session

The ClimaVUE™50 is an affordable all-in-one meteorological sensor that fulfills common weather monitoring needs with simplicity. In this recorded webinar, Alan Hinkley and Del Satterthwaite of Campbell Scientific discuss the features and uses of the ClimaVUE™50, followed by a question and answer session with the webinar attendees.

Length: 36:27
Tags: Sensors Weather Webinar

Measuring Water in the Soil: A Webinar

Common theories for making measurements of soil water

In this recorded webinar, Dr. Dirk V. Baker of Campbell Scientific details common theories for making measurements of the water content in soil.

Length: 32:06
Tags: Soil Water Content